Our Top 3 Tips for a Happier, Healthier Christmas
Hi everyone! We are here from Thrive Physical Therapy to help make your holidays a little more enjoyable. We are bringing you 3 Tips to a Happier,...
3 Things That Could Be Causing Your Headache
Do you have mild, nagging headaches or debilitating migraines that limit your ability to perform your daily life duties? Headaches can be...
Neck Pain: 3 Things That Can Help You Manage Your Symptoms
Every day, we get to see people in our office that have been suffering from neck pain and stiffness for months or even years! Many people believe...
Five Ways to Feel Better at Work
Are you tired and achy by the end of your workday? Do you frequently get headaches, neck, or back pain after sitting at your desk? If you answered...
Could Your Headache Really Be Coming From Your Jaw?
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the root of many symptoms often attributed to other medical conditions. Grinding or clenching of the jaw as...
We Are Much Better Mommas When We Are Taken Care of and Are Feeling Our Best
After sailing through my first pregnancy 3 years ago, I thought that my second one would go pretty much the same way. 39 weeks into pregnancy Number...
Recovering from Having Your Baby: Diastasis Recti
This week I had my Six Week follow up after my delivery of Cooper. Overall, I am recovering well, but it comes as no surprise that I have something...
Everyone Has A Different Birth Story- Patient Testimonial
Everyone has a different birth story, but everyone’s birth story is THEIR story. I recently asked a patient to share her story to let other women...
What is Causing My Dizziness?
How do I know if I have vertigo? Does turning your head while driving make you dizzy? What about getting up from a seated position and instantly...