

Recovering from Having Your Baby: Diastasis Recti

Recovering from Having Your Baby: Diastasis Recti

This week I had my Six Week follow up after my delivery of Cooper. Overall, I am recovering well, but it comes as no surprise that I have something in common with a lot of women at this point in my recovery…I have Diastasis Recti (DR). Even 6 weeks after my delivery,...
Everyone Has A Different Birth Story- Patient Testimonial

Everyone Has A Different Birth Story- Patient Testimonial

Everyone has a different birth story, but everyone’s birth story is THEIR story. I recently asked a patient to share her story to let other women know about her success with physical therapy. She talked about her struggles, her obstacles, and the challenges that she...
What is Causing My Dizziness?

What is Causing My Dizziness?

How do I know if I have vertigo? Does turning your head while driving make you dizzy? What about getting up from a seated position and instantly feeling dizzy or seeing double? Some of the feelings you will experience are a swimmy feeling in your head,...
What is a Pelvic PT and What Can I Expect at My First Treatment?

What is a Pelvic PT and What Can I Expect at My First Treatment?

I love my job and one of the reasons that I do is because I love seeing RESULTS and there’s not too many times that we don’t see results with what I do. The statement I get from a lot of people is “what exactly do you do?”, which is a valid question being that not...

SI Joint Pain During and After Pregnancy and How PT Helped Me

A true story about pregnancy/postpartum pain – in the patient’s own words: At the very end of my pregnancy I started to have severe low back/hip pain. I didn’t know what it was(sciatica, a strained muscle, hip pain, slipped disc in my back?), but just attributed it to...